Clubbing with the Comets: Debate Provides Opportunities for Future
March 27, 2023

The Debate Club specializes in the art of prepping students for public speaking, and is run by Mr. Wolfe, who teaches AP Government here at Granby.
Currently, the students are prepping on the topic of Teacher’s VIT taxes. VIT taxes is the “method of placing a value on a dealer’s inventory to calculate the amount of property tax owed.” The main goal of this topic is for the students to address whether teachers should pay taxes in addition to the money they spend on classrooms.
The students prepare for this topic by reading aloud their speech in front of their peers. The team members then grade on a point scale how well they did and their remarks on the performance. Points are taken away for “umms” and “errs” while reading. Advice is also given on how to perform better such as not looking “your opponent in the eye.”

Some students even have plans to use the skills for a future profession. Gavin Maxwell, Freshman, Vice President, states that he wants to “become better at public speaking” because he plans on going into “politics as a career.” Maxwell described his “passion” for other people and feeling “stern” about certain opinions. Maxwell related this to the act of debating and representing a supporter of that topic and how that is similar to the act of a politician. However, despite being motivated to join the debate club because of his profession, one of his favorite parts of debate is “going to meets and talking to people and other teams.”
President of the Debate Club, however, Athena Ash gives a different opinion on why she joined the debate club. “I joined the Debate club because I have anger issues.” She recounted how it can be an excellent outlet to channel it and stated “debate is an excellent outlet to express anger, and watch your enemies crush and crumble beneath you.” Ash continued to explain that there is a “certain satisfaction” knowing that you have beaten your opponent.
Another reason that Ash shared is she enjoys debate because it teaches her skills that are only held by a select few. “I want to be the white, male, capitalist politician with trophy wives in government.” She further explained that the government oftentimes has corrupt officials and officials who aren’t properly educated on the topic. “[They] don’t know anything about politics, but they know how to speak.
A common sentiment between Ash and Maxwell is that they do not like to lose. Maxwell states: “I hate when the opposing person is better than you, and you get chewed out as they take your points and rip them apart.”
For Maxwell, debate is both an outlet for creative expression and anger, and a club that trains his public speaking skills. “Debate is a great club and I enjoy it.”